This project will accelerate the department’s ability to analyze the following metrics by charge and risk profile:
Outcome Measures
- Release Rate – The percentage of defendants who secure release pending case disposition.
- Appearance Rate – The percentage of released defendants who appear for all required court appearances pending case disposition (time frames), number of days to non-appearance, and at disposition.
- Public Safety Rate – The percentage of released defendants who do not re-offend pending case disposition (time frames), number of days to re-arrest, and at disposition.
- Success Rate – The percentage of released defendants who appear for all required court appearances and who do not re-offend pending case disposition.
Performance Measures
- Universal Screening – The percentage of defendants who are eligible and screened for release.
- Recommendation Rate – The percentage of HCPS bail recommendations that match its risk assessment results. Currently, HCPS does not currently provide a recommendation.
- Response to Defendant Conduct Rate – The time the agency responds to defendant conduct related to release conditions.
- Pretrial Intervention Rate – The percentage of outstanding bench warrants or capiases the agency resolves.
- Supervision Success Rate – The percentage of released defendants who are compliant at case disposition with release conditions.
- Concurrence Rate – The percentage of defendants whose court-ordered bail corresponds with their assessed risk level.