Gun Buyback Program

Project Description

Harris County and similar-sized counties across the nation have recently experienced an uptick in gun-related violence and deaths. Voluntary gun buyback programs allow gun owners to surrender personal firearms to governmental law enforcement entities in exchange for a gift card. The primary goal of the program is to remove unwanted firearms from the community, thus reducing the potential for these guns to cycle through illegal networks or to become potential hazards in the home. The Gun Buyback program promotes reduction in gun violence and prevention of crime by removing illegal or unwanted firearms from the street.

The Harris County Commissioners Court approved $1,096,000 in ARPA funding for the Harris County Sheriff’s Office and partnering Commissioner Precincts to use to host up to eight gun-buyback events allowing gun owners to surrender personal firearms in exchange for gift cards. All firearms are retrieved by law enforcement at buyback events with a no-questions-asked policy.


Promotional materials and communications for each gun buyback event focus on areas of Harris County most affected by gun violence and will be open to all Harris County residents. The community engagement departments of precincts, as well as community partners such as Moms Demand Action and gun control advocate groups, will be consulted to help coordinate community engagement efforts. Respective community engagement groups will contact leaders in communities where gun buyback events are planned to identify optimal locations to hold events and to coordinate a tailored communications campaign for the event. Gun safety and associated public health materials will be provided to the public and all participating residents during each buyback event. Materials distributed include gun safety and violence disruption resources and gun locks, in addition to information for survivors of domestic violence and other forms of specific violence.


Primary metrics to be tracked include:

  • Total number of weapons collected
  • Number of gun safety materials distributed
  • Number of gift cards expended
  • Number of non-functioning firearms collected
  • Number of rifles and shotguns collected
  • Number of fully automatic rifles collected
  • Number of weapons not accepted due to type
  • Number of weapons not accepted due to time constraint/other
  • Number of lost weapons identified
  • Number of stolen weapons identified
  • Number of weapons logged into NIBIN


Local entities within County government including the Harris County Sheriff’s Office (HCSO), Harris County Public Health (HCPH), Harris County Community Services Department (HCCSD), community partners, and other stakeholders will share information with program participants and utilize opportunities to educate residents about the dangers associated with firearms. Data regarding the numbers and types of firearms collected, number of program participants, and number of educational materials distributed will be used to help program managers and partners to further refine Harris County’s related crime reduction programs. After Action Reviews will be conducted following each event and will include representatives from elected offices, HCSO, HCPH, and HCCSD, and other designated partners.