Resiliency Fund

Project Description

The local Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Domestic Violence (DV) response network in Harris County contains a multitude of shelter-based and nonresidential interventions and programs aimed at supporting families experiencing DV and IPV. Further, there are approximately 325 families experiencing DV placed in publicly supported, affordable housing. This network is a key intervention point for reaching extremely vulnerable children with needed services. Harris County’s Early Childhood Initiatives is interested in supporting the DV and IPV response network, as well as aligned networks and programs, by responding to the developmental needs of young children in Harris County exposed to IPV and DV. The Early Childhood Resiliency Fund will help reduce the harmful developmental impacts of early exposure to violence by investing in trauma-informed programs and strategies for young children exposed to DV and IPV. Eligible families are families with young children that have been exposed to DV/IPV. The purpose of this program is to improve developmental outcomes for the eligible population. Progress towards the goal will be measured through various diagnostic batteries.


The Early Childhood Resiliency Fund will help reduce the harmful developmental impacts of early exposure to violence by investing in trauma-informed programs and strategies for young children exposed to DV and IPV.  The expected impact of the Harris County Early Childhood Resiliency Fund is reaching more young children exposed to DV/IPV with therapeutic and developmental interventions.

KPIs for this program are currently under development, but will include metrics such as:

  • Number of families receiving Resiliency Fund services
  • Number of intervention hours provided 


Resiliency Fund’s program design is rooted in research on the detrimental effects of continued IPV exposure on child development and outcomes and evidence that IPV and DV rose significantly in Harris County during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Harris County Early Childhood Resiliency Fund will be evaluated by a third-party evaluator. The evaluation's scope will include determinations of success and impact related to KPIs and how much the program achieved equitable and representative participation from affected populations. Evaluation findings will be distributed to local, relevant organizations, made available online for public download, and included in the Harris County Early Childhood Initiatives final report.

The Harris County Early Childhood Resiliency Fund also includes descriptions of the evidence base for each applicant's proposed intervention.