County Connections

Project Description

County Connections Youth Summer Initiative will provide grants to organizations that offer comprehensive summer programming, short-term projects, and other enrichment for children ages 5-18 through The Harris County Department of Education (HCDE) Center for Afterschool Summer and Enrichment (CASE) for Kids. County Connections fills gaps in existing enrichment services for youth, sponsors full and partial scholarships to assist families with program fees, and includes college and career readiness initiatives for older children. During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, grantees provided direct service activities, virtual learning activities, or hybrid lessons. This program aims to ensure accessibility and meet the health and safety guidelines related to COVID-19 to provide children with enriching activities they did not have during the pandemic.


A prerequisite to apply for County Connections funding is to be an HCDE CASE for Kids Youth Services for Afterschool and Summer vendor, approved by the HCDE board. This bid process is run by the HCDE Purchasing Division. Outreach begins by promoting the RFP to 501c3 nonprofit organizations via email blasts to more than 3,000 afterschool professionals, as well as promotion via social media. In addition, Purchasing sends the RFP by invitation to vendors registered in the IONWAVE electronic bid system. CASE for Kids also notifies Precinct Communications to promote the RFP opportunity to their constituents.

Through partnership Harris County Department of Education (HCDE), Harris County is able to support increased learning and development opportunities through partnership with community-based organizations that provide such services to children of ages 5-18. Yearly at least 90 programs have received funding to provide children increased access to opportunities.


County Connections measures their success through the following data:

  • Target number of non-profits enrolled in Precinct 1
  • Target number of non-profits enrolled in Precinct 2
  • Target number of non-profits enrolled in Precinct 3
  • Target number of non-profits enrolled in Precinct 4
  • Target number if students enrolled
  • Target number of grants issued

In 2022, County Connections disbursed $1,275,000 across 49 project awards and served a total of 5,500 children. In 2023, 6,900 children were served. Children in all four precincts were served through the County Connections programming.


County Connections collects data on the number of students served, types of organizations and services offered as part of programming, as well as zip codes/precincts in which each of these organizations reside. Ongoing program evidence consists of student demographic data collection of those currently served.