
Project Description

Employ2Empower (E2E) is a county-wide, employment-first model that connects participants with a viable path to a healthy, productive, and economically stable future. The E2E program helps the unhoused and those living in encampments to reenter the workforce and utilize wraparound services. The program aims to provide a low barrier for participants to gain employment, along with access to social services, such as housing navigation, healthcare, and income support, with the goal of connecting participants to a pathway to permanent housing solutions.

E2E aims to complement the current system for finding housing and other resources for the homeless but differs in the way it engages with workers. The program’s unique hourly rate incentive encourages people in need of housing to regularly engage with support workers, making it easier to connect them with resources and track housing applications. It also makes it easier for them to return to work and gives them specialized skills in a forgiving, supportive environment. The crew works three days in the field and on the fourth day they receive resources such as housing services, workforce training, and personal development coaching. Participants earn money by completing community development projects such as graffiti abatement, illegal dumping abatement, landscaping, and maintenance of public and County-owned properties.


Primary metrics to be tracked include:

  • Number of participants placed into permanent housing
  • Number of participants secured permanent employment
  • Number of participants employed 6+ months
  • Number of participants connected to ID restoration services
  • Number of participants connected to mainstream benefits (i.e., food stamps, Medicaid, etc.)


Even though unemployment rates are high among people experiencing homelessness, evidence also suggests that many people in this situation want to work, and, with the right work support and services, they can achieve positive employment outcomes. Many individuals experiencing homelessness are not equipped to secure and retain employment effectively or for long periods of time. Challenges faced by this population consist of outdated or limited job search skills, lack of experience, as well as limited access to tools needed to help improve employability skills. The lack of employment options keeps these individuals in a cycle where they are not able to find stable housing due to a lack of wages and cannot find employment due to a lack of stable housing. Access to a low-barrier employment program is often the only opportunity for a second chance for this population. Breaking down the barriers to employment allows these individuals to rebuild their employment history and develop the skills necessary to gain sustainable employment, make a livable wage, and ultimately secure long-term stable housing.