Clean Streets, Safe Neighborhoods is a crime prevention and neighborhood safety program that uses data to target Harris County neighborhoods where underinvestment in neighborhood infrastructure could be driving violent crime. The program aims to improve street lighting, sidewalks, and green spaces, and create opportunities for civic artwork. A Neighborhood Prioritization Index was utilized to identify priority communities based on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Social Vulnerability Index, violent crime indicators, and infrastructure indicators. Several of the projects within the priority neighborhoods were identified based on surveys and studies gathering feedback from the community regarding neighborhood improvement initiatives. These studies identified areas with high pedestrian traffic and few sidewalks, poorly lit sidewalks and pedestrian paths, areas of high temperatures, and many other areas for neighborhood improvements. Harris County Precincts are working with the Engineering Department to coordinate on program design, construction, and maintenance plans.
The selected neighborhoods for implementation include:
Several of the projects were previously identified by the Precincts as part of comprehensive community planning initiatives. The initiatives involved significant community engagement to understand residents’ needs and support for neighborhood improvements related to transportation, community safety, and quality of life.
The program will track the number of pedestrian safety and accessibility improvements, crosswalk improvements, installation of streetlights, trees and vegetation planted, art installations, and other community improvements.
Studies show that Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) is one approach to improve community safety. Using community planning principles to improve lighting, walkability, and greenspaces has been shown to minimize crime, improve safety, and build a sense of community.