HRRM Position Standardization & Pay Equity

Project Description

The Harris County Office for Human Resources and Risk Management (HRRM) is launching the Harris County Position Standardization and Pay Equity Program to address disparities in compensation. The market-based salary structure is the most common type and involves basing employees' salary structure is the most common type and involves basing employees pay on what other companies in the same industry and geographical location offer in their compensation packages. The current recommendation is to decrease the total number of pay grades from 79 to 30 and centralize the pay structure throughout county departments.

In August of 2021, CBIZ Consulting began a compensation study and provided recommendations to Commissioners Court in August 2022. In July 2018, the Commissioners Court approved nine recommendations from HRRM to address standardization in Harris County’s Compensation program and to identify pay disparities based on race, ethnicity, and gender.


Target goals:

  • Simplify and improve the compensation program
  • Evaluate all county positions in all grades
  • Perform reviews of job descriptions to validate employees are included in the appropriate grade and classification
  • Develop and implement a job architecture framework
  • Assess and standardize incentives and allowances 


HRRM will onboard a consultant to dive into the widespread compensation pay disparities throughout the County using Commissioners Court-approved recommendations for a Position Standardization and Pay Equity model reflecting transparency and continuity throughout departments.