Harris County is taking bold steps to make solar energy accessible and widespread to help
reduce energy costs, achieve sustainability goals, and
promote economic growth. Learn about
Solar Planning Best Practices in Harris County and
Best Practices in Solar Permitting.
Best Practices in Solar Inspection Checklists: We recommend all municipalities in Harris County to have a solar inspection checklist that businesses and residents can reference when they want to go solar. Harris County has collaborated with the City of Houston and recommends looking the City’s recently updated solar inspections checklist as a good local example when considering your own municipality’s checklist.
City of Houston Solar Inspection Checklist.
Harris County has also been working with SolSmart and recommends using their template if it is more applicable to your jurisdiction.
SolSmart Solar Checklist Template for Local Governments
How to Go Solar:Harris County supports efforts from Solar United Neighbors to help more residents and local businesses go solar!
Solar United Neighbors for East Harris County