Language access efforts here in Texas and Harris County are central to the experience of immigrant communities. According to
United States Census American Community Survey (ACS) Data, Harris County is home to 1,317,988 foreign-born residents, around 59% of whom are non-citizens, with 88.7% of foreign-born residents ages five and older speaking a language other than English at home. Around 57% of these individuals are considered limited English proficient (LEP),
which describes an individual who has a limited ability to read, speak, write, or understand English. Harris County provides programs and resources that are vital to the livelihood of residents, including public health services and housing. These statistics highlight the need for robust language access efforts to support immigrant and refugee communities navigating Harris County programs and services.
In 2024, Harris County received a grant from the Houston Endowment Project to develop a comprehensive Language Access Plan to support access to amenities in Harris County. Language access is defined as oral and written language services that provide individuals with limited English proficiency (LEP) meaningful access and an equal opportunity to participate fully in Harris County services, activities, and programs. The grant outlines a year-long needs assessment period within Harris County, followed by a year-long implementation period.

The Research and Analysis Division (RAD), under the Office of County Administration (OCA), formed the Language Access Team. Since joining the OCA, the Language Access Team has made progress in their needs assessment phase, such as conducting interviews with OCA departments to gain an understanding of the current state of language access within the varying departments and any service gaps when providing access. The Language Access Team has created an internal Language Access Resource Guide for Harris County OCA departments, as well as collected data on language access vendors utilized by County departments. These efforts by the Language Access Team will help inform their recommendations on implementing sustainable and equitable language access protocols for the County.
The National Immigrant Inclusion Conference (NIIC) To increase understanding of how Language Access Plans impact communities, the Research and Analysis Division’s Language Access Team attended the National Immigrant Inclusion Conference (NIIC) here in Houston last December. This annual conference is the nation’s largest gathering of organizations and individuals working on behalf of our country’s immigrants and refugees. The NIIC is built as a collaborative and collegial space that demonstrates a commitment to an inclusive democracy that welcomes people and recognizes the vital contributions and impact all communities have on our nation.
The conference provided a range of knowledge about advancing language access. Sessions covered topics such as digital inclusion strategies for immigrant and refugee communities, federal approaches to protecting language access, and the role of detailed race and ethnicity data in promoting equity. Experts shared valuable perspectives on practical tools, new data collection methods, and the importance of culturally and linguistically appropriate approaches to ensure equitable access to digital resources, government services, and emergency communications regardless of language spoken or nativity.
Beyond the sessions, the conference created opportunities for collaboration and exchanging ideas with peers in the field. The Language Access Team connected with coordinators, advocates, and experts who shared their experiences in addressing complex language access challenges within their respective jurisdictions and areas of work, which provides important perspectives on language access gaps and challenges within varying communities. Additionally, sessions often included breakout groups, which offered a hands-on approach to problem-solving, where the Language Access Team collaborated with fellow professionals to develop solutions for real-life scenarios encountered within language accessibility spaces, such as emergency communication or public outreach in multilingual communities. These discussions sparked meaningful conversations and reinforced the shared commitment to ensuring that all communities have meaningful access to information and resources.

The National Immigration Inclusion Conference gathered advocates, subject matter experts, and professionals. Through this conference, the Language Access Team was pleased to connect with other attendees and share resources and strategies for expanding language access. The ability to learn from both federal representatives and local community members on the importance of culturally and linguistically accurate language access provided additional context to the work the Language Access Team hopes to accomplish in Harris County.
Residents of Harris County, regardless of nativity or language spoken, deserve access to these aspects of the County. Stay tuned in the coming months to learn more about the work the Language Access Team is doing to expand language access here in Harris County!