
Jail Population Statistics
Harris County Jail Population data and statistics
Traffic Stop Demographics Dashboard
Various metrics of the different outcomes and possibilities during a traffic stop.
The Court Appointments Dashboard
Private Attorney and Public Defender's Office (PDO) attorney appointment counts for cases by court.
Harris County Indigent Defense Dashboard
Payments and caseload data for private attorneys who were appointed to case(s) in Harris County.
Index-Crimes Dashboard
Trends and Comparisons of Index-Crimes in Harris County, Counties in Texas and Counties in the US
Harris County Bail Dashboard
Harris County Bail Statistics by various Dimensions.
ODonnell Public Dashboard
Data Platform for ODonnell Consent Decree [Section 89].
U Visa Dashboard
Trends with U visa certifications processed by Harris County Sheriff’s Office.
Tablero de la visa U
Tendencias con las certificaciones de visa U procesadas por la Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Harris.